The 28th International Montessori Congress was held in Prague
july 27-30th 2017
Everyone geared up to enjoy the first congress day? Registration starts at 9 a.m. Opening Ceremony at 12 noon. Wednesday the AMI team spent at the congress centre getting the AMI stand ready, and meeting old and new friends.
International Montessori Congress, Prague. The first day was a most happy event, with a lovely opening, with a big role for music, dance, singing, the children and the adolescents who are reporting on their Montessori summit.
The book Montessori Speaks to Parents was launched and many participants have already bought a copy.
We thank Carla Foster and Angeline Lillard for two fantastic keynotes.
Come and find the AMI team on the second level!
Have a great second day!
Today at the Prague Congress the Glass Classroom outside with toddler, 3-6 and 6-12 environments. Keynotes by Scilla Elworthy and Guadalupe Borbolla. A fine choice of breakout sessions in the afternoon.
Have you still not stopped by the AMI team for a chat? Find us at level two, the exhibitors fair. Last chance tomorrow!
All Montessori books from the Montessori Pierson Publishing Company have sold out, but do not fret: all titles can also be ordered on line via
To honour the generous personality and vast Montessori knowledge of AMI 3-6 trainer Annette Haines, who passed away last week, AMI is republishing Annette’s article ” A Science of Peace” through the Prague congress website. Congress participants may have already received a push notification via their congress app— but for all others, here is the full link to the article,
The Congress in Prague is closed! André Roberfroid, AMI Global Ambassador said in his closing speech that this congress will go down in history as the one where the Montessori Movement was taken out of the classroom into society and the world.
A huge thank you is owed to the organising team, driven by Mirka and Sona, and supported by a host of volunteers. Thanks are also due to all participants, supporting organisations and groups that made this congress into a memorable event.
We hope to see all of you in THAILAND in 2021.
courtesy AMI Facebook page